Learn Method Acting

Beginner acting class in-person. The Method as developed by Lee Strasberg will allow you to learn how to create a moving performance, infused with vibrant inner life.  Learn how to find a character’s inner motivation in order to find authenticity in the performance. Learn how an Actor Prepares, Building a Character, and Creating a Role. Method acting is a technique or type of…

Teaching acting versus directing actors

Teaching acting versus directing actors. I think first of all teaching and directing are two different things. And I differentiate them. I try very much not to direct when I teach. I will tell the students that I´m going to directorial right this minute. But teaching is empowering your students to be able to learn…

Online interactive live acting classes

ONLINE CLASSES ACTING FOR ALL LEVELS AND ALL AGES WITH TOP RATED HOLLYWOOD ACTING COACHES.You can participate from anywhere in the world!Whether you are starting out or a seasoned professional actor, the Michelle Danner Los Angeles acting school provides you with the best training in the world no matter where you live! Actors preparing to embark…