Learn Method Acting

Beginner acting class in-person. The Method as developed by Lee Strasberg will allow you to learn how to create a moving performance, infused with vibrant inner life.  Learn how to find a character’s inner motivation in order to find authenticity in the performance. Learn how an Actor Prepares, Building a Character, and Creating a Role. Method acting is a technique or type of…

Learning Improv

Give yourself an Edge at Work Improv comedy training gives actors a toolbox of skills that allow them to bring their talent to life on stage. Learning Improv skills work just as well on the business stage as they do in a theater.  Learn to walk onto a stage or in the boardroom and connect with…

Working Girl Film Scene

SCENE 46 Jack: So what kind of figures have you been throwing out?  Tess: Well, no exact figures yet. Jack: Well, what’s their ballpark? Tess: Well, I wanted to get them excited about the concept before I start throwing actual figures at them.  Jack: Well, are they excited? Tess: They’re going to be. Jack: Well,…

Best Acting Classes in Los Angeles

Beginner Acting Classes  xx To do list for Beginners! xx – Pick a photographer – Sign up for Scene Study and On-Camera Class – Sharpen your Improv Skills xx The list can go on and on, and every single one of those things is a good, tangible intention to set. But amidst all the practical,…