Michelle Danner Los Angeles Glumačku školu u Kaliforniji

Saznajte vršitelja dužnosti profesije u jednom od najboljih dramskih škola u Los Angelesu

Filmovi PROIZVODI Michelle Danner


Edgemar Studio Glume Prijem internacionalnih studenata, obezbjeđena M1 Viza za boravak u Americi. Kompleks sa 2 kazalista i galerijom Naša misija je da stvorimo kreativni dom u zajednici strastvenih glumaca.

Nudimo internacionalnim studentima koji imaju namjeru upisati jednogodišnji Intenzvni Studij Glume. Glumci su potaknuti da premašte ograničenja i dosegnu potpuni potencijal na sceni i filmu. Nudimo Konzervatorijski program, pojedinačno prilagodjen svakom glumcu. Početni, Srednji, Napredni Studenti

M1 Viza obezbjeđena iskljucivo za dvanaesto- mjesecni program.

Glumačka trenerica slavnih, Michelle Danner je redovni profesor Edgemar centra.

Njeni učenici mogu se pohvaliti nominacijama za Oskara, kao i mnogim drugim značajne nagradama i priznanjima. Neki od njenih klijenata su: Chris Rock, Gerard Butler, Seth MacFarlane, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Penelope Cruz,  Grant Bowler, Michael Pena, Isla Fisher, Common, Salma Hayek, Brian McKnight, James Franco, Marcia Cross, Christian Slater, Catherine Bell, Zooey Deschanel, Gabrielle Union, Verne Troyer, Justin Chatwin, Justine Wadell, Rob Estes, Rick Fox, Michelle Rodriguez, Melanie Brown and Kellan Lutz, itd.

Skype : Edgemar.Center.for.the.Arts  email:  [email protected]  call: 310-392-0815



acting programs in los angeles

Many students attend out acting classes to create their own network.
Our classes are made for any level with many competent professors included the director of the school Michelle Danner, who can personalize her classes to the specific needs and objectives of students. We supply the tools to reach a superior level and becoming more competent.


acting conservatories


Opportunities for students:

Our students have the possibility to be part of: movie production, cinema festivals, theater festival… Take a look at our 3 websites: “all in films”, “cinema at the edgemar” and “edgemar center for the arts”. The students also have the opportunity de participate to auditions and work on our latest movies. The chance they have is to build and improve their resume with experiences. It is also an opportunity to get IMDB credits.

Click here to see our theater productions, and dance, music, movie, painting; everything is here in the school in California.

Click here to watch Michelle Danner’s movie “Hello Herman” with Norman Reedus from “The Walking Dead” & “Boondock Saints”, captivating, controversial and entertaining.


All in Films is an independent film production company directed by Michelle Danner and Alexandra Guarnieri. The goal of this company is to produce high quality independent movies intended for entertaining and arouse social interest. Click here to watch the trailer of “Hello Herman”.

Click here to see our Cinema Festival: it is a unique opportunity for movies to be seen. The participants will have the chance to watch unique movies and receive prizes/distinctions (best feature film, best short film, best documentary) according to the jury and audience’s opinion. It is 4 days of happiness with special events.

See below the trailer of “The Bandit Hound”, last Michelle Danner’s movie with Catherine Bell, Judd Nelson and Lou Ferrigno. It is the story of an adorable dog, Bandit, who start stealing money to help his adoptive family.

Some of the classes proposed:

Golden Box

Acting Classes Los Angeles|GOLDEN BOX

The Golden Box, a two day acting intensive teaches actors to draw upon all different acting techniques and form a toolbox of their own. Michelle Danner Golden Box technique draws upon Meisner, Strasberg, Adler, Hagen, Chekhov & the Stanislavsky Technique. You will form a toolbox of  your own and develop a comprehensive set of “acting tools” when approaching a role or a scene whether it be for film, television or theater. Michelle teaches a technique that is effective for actors of all different levels.

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The Golden Box emphasizes on how to get out of one’s head and learning to completely live in the moment, by finding unique emotional triggers based on personal experiences. You will learn how to access their full range of feelings and emotions in an instant. Actors around the world have found success studying with Michelle because she takes the emphasis off of the “method”, and helps actors rediscover their own creativity.  Michelle will push you to grow out of acting, and into artistry.

The class focuses on answering the following questions:

  • – Why are some choices more powerful than others?
  • – How does one deliver a raw unforgettable performance?
  • – What specific tools can be applied to film, television and stage work?
  • – How does one develop a personal story from scratch and discover material for a one woman/man show, screenplay, short or novel?




This class focuses on voice and text work with storytelling and solo work techniques. Our unique approach to voice is designed to liberate the natural voice and thereby develop a vocal technique that serves the freedom of human expression, helping actors produce a full-bodied performance. When you access your inner strength, you’ll not only empower your acting skills, but you’ll increase your bookings.



Scene Study provides the best opportunity for the committed actor to flex their acting muscles, and refine their craft on a consistent basis. Actors are taught the foundations of technique through opening emotional exercises which are used to warm up the actor’s instrument, and introduce the tools that will be applied to their scene work.

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In this acting class students learn how to use all of their technique, and harness it for performance. Students will explore how to apply a back story to the characters that they are creating, while working on contemporary and classical scenes and monologues. This weekly workout allows actors to test their performance abilities in a safe and playful environment, while discovering their strengths and weaknesses with the help of a trained teacher’s eye. Emphasis is placed on learning to make the best physical, emotional, and vocal choices.



 Learn what you need to break through in your career and prepare the tools you need to succeed! An interactive workshop that answers questions such as:

 Getting a headshot and show reel that stands out among hundreds!

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  • How to get into SAG-AFTRA!
  • How to create a resume that gets you called in!
  • How to find agents, managers, lawyers and publications!
  • How casting works!
  • How to develop an individualized strategy for your career!




accent reduction classes
Free the natural voice from obstacles that block full expression.
This course will introduce the student  to the Standard American Dialect. Actors will be required to perform one monologue-fully memorized and in front of the class using Standard American Dialect. It is to be chosen from a Contemporary source. The Contemporary monologue can be from a film, TV show, or from the theatre.
This class is taught by Barbara Bragg who holds an MFA from Yale Drama School.



script analysis

 This is a class for Actors, Writers, Directors, and anyone who is passionate about storytelling. Script analyze and work on scenes from different genres of screenplays, television, and plays such as Match Point, Tootsie, American Beauty, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Little Miss Sunshine, Golden Boy, The Rose Tattoo, Bridesmaids, My Week with Marilyn, and many more.

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• Students will work through a thorough comprehension of breaking down story, characters, conflicts, and language from dramatic and comedic scripts.
• There will be in depth discussion of all the tools an actor applies to create their performance.
• The class will help to acquire the tools to break down a story thematically and the discipline to make powerful choices whether you are auditioning for a project or have booked the part.



la acting classes

Working in front of the camera is an art all by itself. You have to risk letting it capture the most secret parts of you. Actors practice in front of the camera with sides from movies and TV shows ranging from comedy, sitcom, romantic comedy, slapstick, dark comedy, and all genres of dramatic writing. *Playback is watched on television and the big screen. Students learn to stamp their signatures on a character with unique choices. This class aims to exercise an ease working in front of the camera and the confidence to perform and to shine in every audition.



la acting classes

 It is no secret that there is an industry demand for skilled improv actors whom are quick on their feet and take risks with confidence. This is an improvisational workout geared towards helping actors find untapped creativity and enhance their skills as a performer. Build scenes, Take risks and find unique choices that are memorable, Develop strong and exciting characters, Get out of your head and open your eyes to new performance possibilities.


Si vous êtes intéressé en un court séjour, nous offrons aussi des programmes de 6 semaines ou 3 mois, lesquels n’incluent pas le visa M1 puisqu’il s’agit d’un séjour bref.

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