French-Canadian, Kathryn Masters lands Hollywood film costarring with The Breakfast Club’s Judd Nelson.

French-Canadian, Kathryn Masters lands Hollywood film costarring with The Breakfast Club’s Judd Nelson. PLEASE BEGIN WITH A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF YOURSELF? I’m a twenty-two year old French-Canadian actress who was born and raised in a small town on the East Coast of Canada. Since the beginning, I always knew that the entertainment industry was where I…

What differentiates The New York Film Academy, from of the the Michelle Danner Los Angeles Acting School?

What distinguishes The Michelle Danner Los Angeles Acting School from The Howard Fine Acting School Los Angeles is that we not only incorporate the Lee Strasberg’s Method but Michelle Danner’s signature acting technique called the Golden Box incorporates acting techniques that include the Meisner technique, Stella Adler, Stanislavski’s System and the Chekhov technique. Even when in comparison with other acting schools in Los Angeles like the Playhouse Acting School…

Register for our Summer Children’s Classes!

Acting Classes and Camps for Children and Teens  For ages 4-6/7-12/13-16    Theater games | Scene Study | Improvisation | On-Camera auditioning | Work On Voice Movement Your kids will expand their imagination; have fun, all while working on their acting skills.  Students learn from professional artists in a supportive, dynamic atmosphere that nurtures self-confidence and…

Chilean Actor from the Cast of TV’s “Fabulosas Flores” on “La Red” Lands Role in Hollywood Movie Staring Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead!

Chilean Actor from the the Cast of TV’s  “Fabulosas Flores” on “La Red” Lands Role in Hollywood Movie Staring Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead!   PLEASE BEGIN WITH A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF YOURSELF. I believe that personal goals are there for us to pursue. They aren’t in our lives for us to later look…