Fight Class

 This fight class is meant to prepare actors to do an action sequence on camera.  You never know when you might book a role that requires you to throw a punch or take a hit.  Are you ready to jump into an acting role that requires physical action? Learn safe and effective unarmed fight class…

Livres importants à lire pour tous les acteurs

Nous vous avons préparé une liste des livres importants pour acteurs: « Respect for Acting » de Uta Hagen. Incroyable livre qui fournit un guide pour des problèmes pratiques tels que « Comment parler à l’audience ? » et « Comment rester à la page sur le long terme ? » Ce livre a complètement sa place dans notre liste des livres importants…

What´s an actors best friend and worst enemy in terms of not only their career but also their creativity? by Michelle Danner

What´s an actors best friend and worst enemy in terms of not only their career but also their creativity?Their worst enemy is the insecurity. The insecurity can make you doubt and when you doubt you might not deliver your best work. And your best friend is that you stay hooked up with that part of…

Meisner Technique level 1 | Beginner acting classes

Five Reasons Why You Should Learn the Meisner Technique  I will first list the five reasons and then elaborate.  You will 1)     have significantly less performance anxiety2)     be in the moment3)     be a better listener4)     be compelling because you’re unpredictable5)     transform your life  A fundamental tenant of the Meisner technique is that rather than focusing on yourself, often judging yourself and…