This fight class is meant to prepare actors to do an action sequence on camera.
You never know when you might book a role that requires you to throw a punch or take a hit.
Are you ready to jump into an acting role that requires physical action?
Learn safe and effective unarmed fight class choreography for all formats of storytelling.
Each week you will progressively learn more and more difficult moves. We will start with the basic and most common moves and then graduate to more technical moves.
Thanks to the success of action moviesinthe modern age stage combat andstuntwork is more practical than ever before! And it doesn’t just apply to your one-off kung-fu or James Bond movie anymore.
Film Combat
(Unarmed& Armed)
Ever get a visceral reaction from watching a fight on screen or on stage?
Thanks to the success of action movies in the modern age, stage/film combat and stuntwork is more practical than ever before! And it doesn’t just apply to your one-off kung-fu or James Bond movie anymore- stage/film combat is a useful tool for actors of all ages and genders! This class will provide a basic understanding of safe and effective unarmed and armed fight choreography for all formats of storytelling. Say goodbye to those fake cheesy punches!
This fight class is first and foremost an ACTING class. As actors, we need to take care of our bodies. This class will also provide a basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology so that students will understand and visualize how to do certain moves safely and effectively. We will also lightly discuss theidea of painand how it is unique to each move and intention. We will practice how to effectively convey those feelings to an audience. Half of the move is the victim and theaggressor “selling it.”
GOALS: Each move will get progressively more and more difficult with each week. We will start with the basic and most common moves, and then graduate to more technical moves. My goal is for each student to have a variety of moves that they are comfortable with when booking a gig that requires stage combat. At the end of the term, each student will be partnered with another student in the class and asked to put a pre-choreographed set of moves to text.
They will rehearse and perform these 2–5-minute scenes infront of a small audience as their “final”.
SAFETY: Safety is a top priority in any stage combat class or rehearsal room. If a student is feeling sore or uncomfortable at the start of the class, that needs to be brought up to the instructor before class starts. Further, if a student starts to feel any sort of pain or discomfort within class time, they must stop what they are doing and inform the instructor immediately. This is STAGE combat. It should be treated almost like a dance. Everything must be choreographed, and the victim must be in control with each move. PERFORMANCE SPEED IS ALWAYS 75%. This class deals with a lot of heightened physicality. Each student is encouraged to
stretch before class, and wear comfortable clothes / shoes to move around in. Students are also required to bring knee pads when instructed.
The Premier LA Acting School
When you enroll in Michelle Danner Acting Studio, you can expect a customized approach to your education. We offer in-person classes at our LA acting studio and online courses as well.
Take the next step to acting in LA join our Acting classes Los Angeles.
Committed to the Craft
We pride ourselves on coaching successful actors like James Franco, Chris Rock, Norman Reedus, and many more. Acting takes time, skill, and dedication, and all of our acting coaches help you foster that within yourself. Our unique approach to acting incorporates a variety of methods, and unlike most acting schools, we equip our actors for film, theatre, and television. You’ll learn how to stand out in auditions, relate to roles, break into the industry, and so much more at Michelle Danner Acting Studio. Explore our course offerings that include private one-on-one training sessions, summer camps, workshops, classes, and more.
Contact us today to get started and reach your acting goals!
Check out the best acting classes in Los Angeles and the best acting teachers
We offer Beginner acting classes in LA.
Our acting school offers the following acting techniques in our acting classes: Join one of the Top Acting Schools in LA.
Stella Adler Technique| Meisner Acting Technique| The Stanislavski Method| Uta Hagen Technique.
Below is a list of some of our acting classes:
Fight Classes for Beginners, intermediate and advanced actors.
Acting Workshops: Breaking into Hollywood
Acting Workshops: Golden Box
Scene Study Class
Voice & Speech Class
Script analysis
Musical theatre classes Los Angeles
Accent Reduction Classes
Private coaching for film and tv auditions
Summer Camps Los Angeles| Acting classes for kids
Summer Camps Los Angeles | Acting Classes for teens
Auditioning for film and TV | Teen and kids
Additionally, we have a conservatory program where you can earn your Bachelor of Arts in the performing arts.
Phone: 310.392.0815 Email: [email protected]
10820 W Washington Blvd, Culver City, 90232
Join us and learn more about our Los Angeles Acting Workshops.
Our acting school offers acting workshops in LA.
We are considered one of theTop Acting Schools in Los Angeles.
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