Every time you put yourself out there know that it may be a NO for now, but your big YES could be just around the corner
If you’ve chosen the path of acting that’s because you either feel you’re good at it or you’ve been told you’re good at it and you know deep in your heart you love it. You have to remind yourself that acting is your passion and quitting it would kill you. I was working with a student in class that was struggling with a demanding scene. He wanted to quit. So, I said to him, “What’s your plan B? What else are you good at?” “I would make a lot of money selling high-end cars,” he said. “OK, then embrace that profession because that will be what you’ll be doing.” He winced in pain, and in that moment he realized that he had to fight for plan A, because the possibility of plan B was too gut-wrenching to even think about. Acting was his dream, his only dream. The dream he needed to fight for. Today that actor stars on a major TV show. – Michelle Danner
Joining our Michelle Danner Acting School, one of the best acting colleges in California and taking acting classes and acting workshops in Los Angeles will help you go deeper into your work as an artist and keep you emotionally limber in between acting auditions Los Angeles.