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New film directed by Michelle Danner and produced by All In Films
Hello Herman starting Norman Reedus
opens June 8th
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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The powerful drama starring Norman Reedus (AMC’s the Walking Dead), Directed by Michelle Danner (“How to Go Out on a Date in Queens”) and written by award-winning playwright John Buffalo Mailer will begin its international sales cycle at the European Film Market in February.
“Hello Herman” stands out from the crowd as an infectiously thought provoking watch. This silver-screen delight deals with a troubled youth seeking a voice in an often misinterpreted world. The content was eye-opening and the audience reacted with close application to every move. Independent-film director Michelle Danner wonderfully captured the bulk of the story amidst elevating ground-breaking performances by Norman Reedus and newcomer Garret Blackstrom. “Hello Herman” will leave you ready for change in a world eager to find out what this film, and its message, is all about.
Santa Monica based ‘All In Films’ is proud to announce a partnership with sales and financing company Taylor & Dodge on the international distribution of “Hello Herman”. The compelling drama faces issues of bullying and high school violence with a caring hand, exploring a phenomenon that continues to yield national tragedies. Taylor & Dodge has acquired all international rights for the film and will also be representing the movie’s North American Television Broadcast rights.
“Hello Herman” premiered to sold out shows at the Hollywood Film Festival in October, and will premier with a day-and-date theatrical and internet/cable VOD release in NorTt American on June 7th. All In Films is partnering with Freestyle Releasing and Gravitas Ventures on these efforts. An educational outreach program called “The Hello Herman Project” is running as a companion to the film’s release, with playwright John Buffalo Mailer and a team of celebrity board members at the helm.
To watch the “Hello Herman” teaser trailer visit:
To contact Michelle Danner about Hello Herman visithttp://www.hellohermanthemovie
To go to Michelle Danner’s Acting Studio visithttp://michelledanner.com/