Your Favorite Shows Are Back On!!!
Are you ready to be seen?
Make sure your tools are sharp.
Don’t miss the next Golden Box and casting director workshops coming this month!
See below for details.
**If you haven’t met with Michelle Danner at the Wednesday
informational session please RSVP for one of our Wednesday sessions from
10:30am till 12:30 RSVP required
3 Week Casting Director Workshop:
Natalie Hart
Get prepared for pilot season! Emmy nominated casting director Natalie Hart will teach the inside information (the process a casting office goes throw), such as:- Audition technique- Working on co-star- Guest star & series regular’s scenes.
Having cast pilots for over 20 years, Natalie can give you valuable tips on auditions and what makes the difference from “just” the audition to the audition that books the job.
Having cast pilots for over 20 years, Natalie can give you valuable tips on auditions and what makes the difference from “just” the audition to the audition that books the job. She will also provide insight that all actors need to understand about the business of the business.
Demystify the casting process & go through the casting process of a pilot!
3 week intensive
Saturday, October 11th, 18th and 25th
2437 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90405