The Michelle Danner Acting Studio

A creative home to a community of passionate actors Our unique approach to the art of acting   This Los Angeles acting school’s philosophy is that an exciting generation of new artists can draw upon all different cutting edge acting techniques and form a toolbox of their own, their very own Golden Box.  the story…


ADVICE FOR NEW ACTORS IN LOS ANGELES FROM ACTRESS MEITAR PAZ What advise would you give aspiring actors? Don’t act. Be. Acting is not about lying or putting up a mask. It’s about being truthful to yourself and express your emotions by creating a genuine and a reliable self while being aware of your fears,…

Spotlight Actor & Student Darren Weiss

LEARN ACTING AT ONE OF THE BEST ACTING SCHOOLS IN LOS ANGELES. The Michelle Danner Los Angeles Acting School offers Short & Long term Well Rounded Acting Intensives for beginner, intermediate & advanced actors. You will be learning the Meisner, Strasberg, Adler, Hagen, Chekhov & the Stanislavski acting techniques & applying them to your auditions and film or television work.   Michelle…

Escola De Cinema   Escola-De-Cinema Diretora de cinema de Los Angeles e treinadora de estrelas do cinema mundial vem dar aula para atores “Eu garanto ao ator um processo de criação do personagem que vai desde o roteiro, como analisar o roteiro, incluindo tudo o que é preciso para alcançar uma performance que seja digna do Oscar…

Durchstarten in Hollywood: Ein Weg für internationale Schauspieler

Schauspielschule Los Angeles| Studenten Visum: Hollywood entwickelt sich immer mehr zu einem Ort, wo Schauspieler aus der ganzen Welt nach Filmrollen suchen, mit denen sie international durchstarten können. Hier ist alles möglich. Du könntest am Set sein, als Statist oder Lichtdouble, und plötzlich eine Sprechrrolle angeboten bekommen. Das ist in den Filmen, die ich gedreht habe, schon…