Best Drama School – Student visa for international actors

Best Drama School – study at our performing arts school Los Angeles The Michelle Danner acting conservatory’s philosophy is that artists can draw upon all different acting techniques and form an individual toolbox, their own Golden Box. We will help you to develop your own “Golden Box” of techniques and tools that you can use when approaching a role or a scene, whether…

Summer Acting Camp for children & teens

 Camp includes the following classes:    IMPROV WORKOUT Fun improvisational games & exercises. Discover characters you never knew you could play by being thrown into situations where you don’t have time to think. AUDITIONING FOR FILM & TELEVISION ON CAMERA Practice auditioning techniques & get on camera experience. SCENE STUDY The best way to learn is…

Los Angeles acting classes for children

Acting Classes For Children What better way for children to enjoy their imaginations than through Los Angeles acting classes for children? At the Michelle Danner Acting Studio, a 65 seat theater and 99 seat theater in Santa Monica, Dramatic Play and Fantastical Adventure Hour is offered to children that are between the ages of three and six. It…