Is filmmaking your passion?

Is filmmaking and conveying stories through film your passion?  Start your film making career in Hollywood. EACH FILM SCHOOL STUDENT WILL PARTICIPATE IN THE WRITTING, SHOOTING, DIRECTING, & EDITING IN THE NEXT 3 MONTHS. BOOK NOW & RSVP FOR THE JANUARY SEMESTER. *12 WEEK INTENSIVE -LEARN FILM MAKING & MAKE A MOVIE  Produce one or two…


OPEN CASTING CALL for a television pilot on a major streamer!

OPEN CASTING CALL Shoots March 15th to April 15th, 2023 in New Jersey No acting experience required! This will be a Zone A vax mandated production ——————————————————————– OPEN CASTING CALL Choose a role from the descriptions below & click the link for self-tape instructions:***Auditions due by Friday, December 2nd by 12pm PT to be considered*** ‘FRANK’ 18+…


Casting call short film Diana

Casting two lead actress of LMU thesis short film “Diana”. Shooting date is 12/8-12/11.  Casting call short film Diana Lead role#1: Diana, age range required as 6-year-old, can accept older age if they look young. We are in need a good actress who has a wide range of emotional scenes.Lead role#2: Angela, the mom, age range 35-45. We are in…
