ATTENTION MICHELLE DANNER ACTING STUDENTS NON UNION PAID ACTING JOB ONLY FOR STUDENTS FROM THE MICHELLE DANNER ACTING STUDIO I have attached a job description outlining what this Company is looking for. This is an AI research project. Realeyes is an AI data company, and we use state of the art technology to understand human emotion in regard to how people…



[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Find the Acting Coach in Los Angeles that is right for you and your budget! Become a professional actor and join acting lessons in an acting school in Hollywood that is going to offer you a solid acting foundation.    A good private acting coach in Los Angeles can help you develop your talent, find the…


Acting Coach Online

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”43603″ img_size=”full”][vc_column_text] Best acting coaches in Los Angeles Acting Coach -online or in-person Private virtual classes | online private classes Work on your acting technique from comedic to dramatic material. Actors are encouraged to explore and work on great writing. Material will be assigned ahead of time. You will form a toolbox of your own and develop a comprehensive set…


Acting Summer Camps for Kids

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”41658″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text] Summer Camps | Summer Acting Camps for Teens THEATER GAMES | SCENE STUDY | IMPROVISATION | ON-CAMERA AUDITIONING | VOICE & SPEECH ACTING SUMMER CAMPS Ages 8 – 12 years, Ages 13– 16years| Summer Camps | Summer Acting Camps For Teens Your kids will expand their imagination, have fun, all while working on their acting skills. Students…


Ecole de cinema Los Angeles

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css=””] SOYEZ PRÊT POUR CONQUÉRIR HOLLYWOOD ET RÉALISER VOS RÊVES VENEZ ÉTUDIER ET TRAVAILLER À HOLLYWOOD AVEC LE VISA ÉTUDIANT. Nous parrainons des étudiants pour qu’ils étudient à l’étranger à Los Angeles avec un visa étudiant-visa étudiant F1 ou un visa étudiant M1. Apprenez le métier d’acteur dans l’une des meilleures écoles d’art dramatique de Los Angeles.…
